Unfiltered Healing

The Reason Why Children Have Sensory Issues and How To Change It via The Nervous System with Barefoot Autism Warrior Podcast

Season 1 Episode 21
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00:00:00 | 01:06:12

Cranio health is crucial for kids with autism and other neurological conditions. Parents need to focus and observe their children’s symptoms to better help them.

In this episode, Ninka-Bernadette Mauritso interviewed me on her podcast, the Barefoot Autism Warrior and we talked about why children have sensory issues and how to change it via the nervous system.

Ninka is a journalist, health influencer, bestselling writer, and health coach. Her son was diagnosed with autism at the age of four, but she was able to turn all of his symptoms around, and she believes that the current autism epidemic is a “big wake-up call” to mothers and the Western world.

For years, her son spent weekends in institutions due to constant screaming, tantrums, aggression, sleeplessness, and no eye contact. No one in their family was sleeping through the night. But, together, they were able to eliminate every symptom in just three years. 

Tune in as we discuss how developmental problems can cause craniofacial issues.


  • The real reason children have sensory issues and how to help them
  • How is sensory-seeking behavior developed 
  • How stimming starts
  • Stimming as a sign of stress in the nervous system.
  • Why gadgets and indoor lifestyles are catastrophic for toddlers and how they can contribute to autism symptoms.
  • Regulating the nervous system involves giving it movement, oxygen, and nutrients.
  • Lack of crawling and tippy-toe walking and the link to causes neurological stress.
  • How bedwetting is linked to mouth breathing and lack of oxygen.
  • How Bruxism and dark circles reveal your child is not sleeping well through the night.
  • Development problems = craniofacial problems. 

About Ninka 

Bestselling writer, health coach, and journalist Ninka-Bernadette Mauritson, founder of Barefoot Autism Warriors, turned her son's autism symptoms (and her health) around in 2008. She has 17 years of experience teaching moms how to replace tantrums, screaming, and chaos with peace, independence, and normality (without exhausting therapies, extreme diets, and protocols.)

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