Unfiltered Healing
Welcome to the UNfiltered Healing Podcast with Dr. Rachel Hamel. We'll talk with alternative medicine innovators, bringing to light all the ways to create balance naturally, while uncovering what they aren't telling you in medicine. Topics to challenge and empower you, balancing your body and mind. It's raw, it's real and it's unfiltered.
36 episodes
Can Peptides Help Your Body Heal? A Conversation with Dr. Brian Trainor
Peptides have been gaining attention in the medical world, but what are they, and can they truly help with healing? In this episode, Dr. Brian Trainor shares his personal journey from being a competitive athlete and Army o...
Season 1
Episode 36

The Hidden Dangers of Oxalates with Sally Norton
Are you dealing with persistent aches, pains, kidney stones, or other symptoms that just won't improve? Are you eating well and staying healthy but still feeling unwell? You could be experiencing something unexpected—oxalate poisoning.
Season 1
Episode 34

Restoring Breathing & Health w/ Cranial Nerves with Lois Laynee
Are you aware of how your breathing and nervous system work together to impact your health?In this episode, Lois Laynee, a cranial nerve expert, discovers these fascinating connections. From breathing and body alignment to the ...
Season 1
Episode 33

Spiritual Mapping, Nephilim Agenda, and Mind Control Technologies with Dr. Laura Sanger
In this episode, Dr. Laura takes us on a captivating journey into the realms of spiritual mapping, parasites, and their impact on mental illness. Through spiritual mapping, we uncover hidden defilement and iniquity that may be rooted in our ...
Season 1
Episode 32

Vision Therapy, Prism Glasses and the Function of your Eyes for Health with Dr Justin Matsuura OD
What if the key to unlocking a world of clear vision, improved focus, and even better brain function lies not in stronger prescriptions, but in a completely different approach to eye care?In this episode we dive deep...
Season 1
Episode 32

Healing Yourself with Circadian Light with Roudy Nassif
Imagine struggling with ADHD as a child, only to discover later that the culprit might be... your lightbulbs? In this episode, we embark on a fascinating journey with Roudy, a pioneer in the field of circadian health. Roudy's story is a...

Getting Your Brain Unstuck with Cereset Sound Technology
How can Cereset sound technology treat brain imbalances and create a relaxed and harmonious mental state? In this episode, Jason Prall and Andrew DeGregorio discuss how they learn about Cereset. They mention that they both faced he...
Season 1
Episode 30

Brain Retraining for Chronic Conditions with Ashok Gupta
How can brain retraining treat chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and long COVID?In this episode, Ashok Gupta, a leader in alternative medicine, discusses the power of brain retraining for managing chronic condi...
Season 1
Episode 29

The Answer to the Global Food Crisis: Regenerative Agriculture w/ Nicole Masters
The global food crisis necessitates innovative solutions, and regenerative agriculture stands out as a promising approach. Regenerative agriculture prioritizes soil health, biodiversity, and symbiotic relationships between crops and the envi...

What's on the Horizon with Dr Judy Mikovitz PhD
This is a recording of an interview done with myself and Church and State Podcast at the ReAwaken Tour in December 2023, backstage with Dr Judy Mikovitz. Dr J is one of the forefront leaders in the health freedom movement being banned, di...

Connecting Modern Infections to the Torah with Dr. Michael Lebowitz
As modern medicine and pharmaceuticals take the lead in healthcare, there's a remarkable intersection with ancient wisdom and alternative medicine. The Torah, a sacred text in Judaism, might not appear directly related to today's infections,...
Season 1
Episode 26

SUSTAIN ME - The Laws of Health With Barbara O'Neill
Amidst the chaos of endless health advice, Barbara O'Neill shares the timeless wisdom of 'Sustain Me,' a holistic health concept co-created with her daughter. In this episode, Barbara O'Neill, is a well known natur...

Restoring Nasal Breathing with Dr Adam Del Torto
The importance of nasal breathing in maintaining optimal health cannot be overstated. In this episode, Dr. Adam Del Torto, the founder of the Cranial Facial Release technique, highlights how his innovative approach mobilizes the cra...
Episode 24

Moving Your Brain with Aleena Kanner, Postural Restoration Expert
When experiencing pain and discomfort in your body, it's important to seek out specialist treatment. Addressing the root cause of the problem can lead to more long-term and effective solutions.In this episode with Al...

Overcoming A Fear-Programmed Brain with Karen Shackelford
Fear is a powerful emotion that affects everyone at some point in their lives. It can hold us back from pursuing our dreams and living life to the fullest. But how do we overcome fear when it is so ingrained in us?Today, we are joined by...
Season 1
Episode 22

The Reason Why Children Have Sensory Issues and How To Change It via The Nervous System with Barefoot Autism Warrior Podcast
Cranio health is crucial for kids with autism and other neurological conditions. Parents need to focus and observe their children’s symptoms to better help them.In this episode, Ninka-Bernadette Mauritso interviewed me on her p...
Season 1
Episode 21

The Importance Of Oral Health And Facial Development In Children with Dr. Nora Zaghi, DDS
Oral health is an important aspect of physical health. Without proper oral hygiene it affects breathing, speaking, smiling, sleeping and much more. Parents are not aware how important oral health is even at a young age. Even though there is ...
Season 1
Episode 20

The Power of Metacognition with Tracey Armstrong
How will you be successful if you do not have success thinking? How will you overcome challenges if you do not believe in yourself? Enabling your quality-control thinking redirects your perspective and attitude to improve your chances of suc...
Season 1
Episode 19

Gettin Moldy with Dr. Jessica Peatross
Does mold contribute to major health issues? Is all mold bad? Where can it be found? What's a good way to test your home, or your body? What are some ways it effects the body, and what do we do about it? All this a...
Season 1
Episode 18

We are Electrochemical Beings with Vagus Nerve Society Founder Dr Marc Tager
In this episode we chat with Dr Tager all about the importance of the health of our electrical system, specifically the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is the missing link to a lot of health issues, and this episode highlights many that coul...
Season 1
Episode 17

Digging into the Microbiome with Expert Dr. Mahmoud Ghannoum
In this week's episode we dig into the microbiome with world renowned expert Dr. Ghannoum. We chat about what the microbiome is, and that is not JUST bacteria. How the microbiome not just in your gut, the health implications of thes...
Season 1
Episode 16

Breaking free from programming with Dr Stella Immanuel
People have been pre-programmed how to think, distracting them from the truth. In this episode we discuss the dangers of programming, the ways we have been programmed globally as well as how to break free.Dr Stella Immanuel is...
Season 1
Episode 15

You can't regenerate if you don't eliminate: Colon Cleansing with Rachel Ellis
In this episode we chat with master colon Hydrotherapist Rachel Ellis, all about the importance of proper elimination, detoxing and why cleaning your colon is so important for your overall health and wellbeing.We also chat about coffee ...
Season 1
Episode 14

Pelvic Floor Therapy, Post Partum Care and More with Dr. Sheri of SheFIT
Dr. Sheri DeSchaaf completed her Doctorate of Physical Therapy at Chapman University in 2011. After working several years in outpatient orthopedics, she began her specialization in women's health and pelvic floor physical therapy, completing ex...
Season 1
Episode 13

"Common" vs. "Normal" development in children with Dr. Martin Rosen
In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Martin Rosen, a leading expert in the world of pediatrics. Common versus normal is a huge topic regarding the development of children and why milestones like crawling, sitting and others are of vi...
Season 1
Episode 12