Unfiltered Healing
Welcome to the UNfiltered Healing Podcast with Dr. Rachel Hamel. We'll talk with alternative medicine innovators, bringing to light all the ways to create balance naturally, while uncovering what they aren't telling you in medicine. Topics to challenge and empower you, balancing your body and mind. It's raw, it's real and it's unfiltered.
Unfiltered Healing
Restoring Nasal Breathing with Dr Adam Del Torto
The importance of nasal breathing in maintaining optimal health cannot be overstated.
In this episode, Dr. Adam Del Torto, the founder of the Cranial Facial Release technique, highlights how his innovative approach mobilizes the cranial system to restore proper breathing passageways. By addressing fixations and torque within the 22 individual bones of the skull, Dr. Adam aims to alleviate neurological disorders and optimize brain function. Unlike conventional treatments, CFR tackles the root cause of issues rather than merely treating symptoms.
Dr. Richard Stober's balloon nasal specific technique and Dr. Adam's CFR approach offer promising alternatives. We also discuss contraindications, compelling case studies, and training opportunities for doctors interested in this groundbreaking technique. Visit www.cranialfacialrelease.com, a valuable resource for patients and doctors, and invites practitioners to explore the potential of this game-changing method.
- Dr. Adam's background focusing on breathing passageways
- Development of Dr. Adam's cranial facial release (CFR) technique
- Importance of nasal breathing and restoration of breathing passageways through the Cranial Facial Release (CFR) technique
- The impact of fixation or torque on the cranial bones and its relation to neurological disorders
- Differences between CFR and conventional approaches for deviated septum or sinus issues
- Mechanical pressure on brain control centers caused by cranial distortion and its implications for various diseases
- Optimization of brain function through increased oxygen flow and blood/lymphatic drainage using CFR
- Dr. Richard Stober's balloon nasal specific technique and its application in elevating cognitive levels in Down syndrome children
- Diagonal patterns and specific targets of CFR for addressing disorders and inducing motion in the skull
- Contraindications for using CFR, including hemophiliacs, individuals on blood thinners, and considerations for surgical plates or aneurysms
- Case studies highlighting the profound effects of cranial work, such as Bell's Palsy and emotional disorders.
- Upcoming seminar locations and an invitation to doctors to organize seminars in their areas.
- The technique's potential to address 80% of the nervous system in the head and neck region.
Connect with Dr. Adam
- Website | www.cranialfacialrelease.com
Know More About Nasal Breathing Technique:
- Cranial Facial Release Technique Interview with Dr. Adam Del Torto
- Nasal Release Technique (NRT) by Dr. Richard Stober
- Visceral Influences on Brain and Behavior
- Functional Cranial Release Lecture by John Lieurance
- Interview with Dr. George Gonzalez and Quantum Neurology
Welcome to the UNfiltered Healing Podcast with Dr. Rachel Hamel!
Youtube: https://youtu.be/8lS3mGBWVus